
Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 goings on

So today hubby had off work, we got a lot done, stuff went to good will and moved some stuff out to the little house out back for my aunt. We took a BOAT load of stuff to the dumpsters.......we got shopping done, and had more money than usual for grocery shopping. Usually we only have about $80 for 2 weeks for hubby and me, but this time thanks to hubby working over time we had....we at least double that. So we got almost everything that we've been needing and not having funds to get. I mean I'm not going to lie, we still have about that much more stuff we need, but we got food which is important.

So today started out like this.....I had been kinda sleeping on and off for a while, but had fallen back into a good sleep. Then the Zinghoppers Hello song went off like firework in the dark......just very abrupt to silence. (Zinghoppers they are a kids group but I love their music, its happy check them out here: they have free ring tones!!!!). So anyways, I had a phone call that woke me...the guys came out to work on the roof of the place out back....there was a hole in the's what they found....

see that, aint it just loverly. not really, but they fixed it!!! YAY!!!! so we have to take care of the inside of the place next, but this was what needed fixed first. So the guys got here just before noon. (I should have taken their pics on the roof but didn't, oh well.) They were great guys. I'll take a pic later (tomorrow really) of the finished job and how wonderful it looks.  THanks to hubby for the pic of the hole on the roof. I'm TERRIFIED of heights so he was up working on the roof and I asked for a picture and he gave me this....see his foot!?

So while the guys were working and doing guy stuff on the roof, my hubby was being wonderful, and here is what he was doing.....

he was cleaning the gutters...and making me REALLY nervous. These were taking with my cell phone, not horrible.  So during all this, mom is calling me about help with my step dad's surprise 60th birthday party. I helped plan from Nashville and its happening in Charleston Wv right now.

Mom's calling  and asking for help choosing decor and gag gifts and just fun things to get for the party. He's turning 60 here in a few days.

So it was an interesting day but enjoyable over all. We got to have pizza and I cooked egg sandwiches for breakfast today. Hubby adds the yummyness to the sandwiches....he adds some kind of hot sauce that isn't horribly hot and its really yummy to my I enjoyed it. yay.

Hubby adds the spice and seasoning to my life to make it better! I still can't believe that we've been married.....sorry had to do the math....we've been married for 7.5 years. It doesn't feel that long at all. I waited more years that that for him. I'll have to tell that story another time about how we met and my kinda stalking of him.....not horrible in a creepy way, he kinda knew it was me.

Ok well I'm off to go play donkey kong with hubby on wii!! yay!!!

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