
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Long Lost Blog

Hello old friend. I know this is more for me than anyone else.....but I'm back! :D

 I have been lost to the internet world for a while now....since I last wrote, I have been back to Oklahoma to help my dad and step mom out. I spent almost 6 weeks there. While I was there I ended up losing $400 that I had paid for a plane ticket and did everything I could to get it refunded  while I was caring for my dad. They couldn't/wouldn't refund it. So that money for the most part is just gone.

I have been crocheting a storm while in waiting rooms taking my dad to and from appointments. I even sold some items to help me have funds while I was gone.

I have since found a pattern I am COMPLETELY in love with, but no funds to get it and know no one who gets crochet world magazine subscription. So if I don't get it this month, I will never get it. :(
It was from October 2010. It was Aran Poncho Pattern by Bendy Carter.

Since I have been home my hubby has gotten me addicted to his new game his brother got him while I was gone. Its called Minecraft.....I think thats its name. The first night he showed it to me I had dreams about it. I think I may end up wanting a copy of it for my computer. I love that game.

My step-mom made me a lotus bag.....its a sewing pattern we found for free. I love this little bag. Its AWESOME!!!! My step-mom also got me several cigar boxes. Its AWESOME!!! I love them. That was a HUGE surprise. :)

I got home and my mom had ordered me some yarn off ebay. I'm so friggen happy. There was 2 different kinds. Sinfonia (MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE - since lydia stopped my other favorite). I also had another box here waiting on me from mom. There was a few other surprises.

I love getting mail that isn't bills or junk!!! :D I got some free things from post it notes. I love post it notes. They are some of my favorite things. I'm an "office" stuff junkie. I love pens and notebooks and post it notes and all kinds of things like that.

I have a few projects started and trying to finish.....and I have my next few already lined up. However the yarn isn't a for sure yet. I don't know which yarns to use for what project. I need a person to come over and help me figure out what yarn to use for what projects.

I'm trying to learn to sew. I'm wanting more than anything to be able to mend my clothes or alter them (really just adding material on the bottom of my pants to make them long enough) and make bags and things.

I'm wanting to start cooking. I made my first batch of bacon not made in the microwave while I was at my dad and step-mom's house. I also made pork chops. And baked potatoes in the oven instead of the mircowave. lol. I'm trying to grow up and learn new things. I'm tired of saying I don't know how and just not doing whatever cause I don't know how to do whatever. I'm almost 30 years old and am wanting to be a bit more domestic and cook. Instead of eating things that aren't good for us. Like those box meals that make life easier. I want to really cook.

I was talking to hubby last night about wanting to start going more gluten free and trying this new diet a friend from  Oh Yarn It! Here in Kansas is on. I can't remember the name....I've got it in the other room. But she said she is feelin better on it and its great for people with the poly cystic ovarian disease that we both have. Its a great way to help lose weight.

My collection of post cards, key chains and licence plates has not grown much for a while now. I'm really kinda sad about that, it took off for a while and is again flat lined. I have a list I carry with me on a regular basis. In case I find a place that sells what I want/need.

I guess I'm done rambling for now and will sign off. I need to go clean my house. Thanks for reading.....

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